Objectives Membership Fees Meetings of the Institute Council Election Procedure Officers |
Register Branches Seal Discipline Financial Year Code of Ethics Amendments to By-laws |
The objectives of the Institute shall be:
1. To make agrologists of increasing service to the agricultural industry.
2. To improve the standards of excellence in research, investigation, education, extension and publicity as they pertain to the agricultural industry.
3. To maintain high standards of knowledge, integrity and ethics in the profession of Agrology.
4. To protect the industry from exploitation by unqualified, dishonest or fraudulent practitioners.
5. To promote greater co‑ordination amongst the members in their efforts to improve conditions in the industry.
6. To develop a more wide‑spread appreciation of agrologists by farmers and the members and representatives of other professions and industries.
7. To improve the conditions under which agrologists are working within the Province.
The Membership is limited as defined in Section 9, of the Act.
1. Articling Agrologist
Any person shall be eligible for Articling Agrologist Membership (Agrologist In Training) who has the following qualifications and has passed such examinations as the Council may require.
(A) Has met academic requirements for membership and requires additional work/experience in agriculture to become a Professional Agrologist;
(B) Must be enrolled in the Articling Agrologist Program.
2. Professional Agrologist
Any person shall be eligible for acceptance as a member who has the following qualifications:
Academic Requirements
(A) Has a degree in agriculture from a university or college recognized by the Council,
(B) Has a degree and has passed such examinations as the Council after evaluating his/her degree and his/her subsequent experience considers necessary to establish that his/her qualifications are equivalent to those persons holding a degree in agriculture under (A);
In addition to the academic requirements, candidates must satisfy the Institute that
(A) Candidate has at least one year of relevant work experience following post secondary training and has completed the Articling Agrologist Program;
(B) Has been engaged in agrology in a professional or other capacity for a period or periods totaling three years after having obtained his/her degree.
3. Associate Member
Any person who is deemed by Council to be ineligible to become a Professional Agrologist but who has a combination of experience may become an Associate Member.
4. Temporary Member
A Member in good standing in a professional agricultural organization recognized by the Institute and practicing agrology in another province may apply for registration to temporarily practice agrology in Nova Scotia.
5. Re‑Instated Member
A Member in good standing, who leaves the Institute, may be re‑admitted to membership without examination, provided he or she intends to practice agrology immediately.
6. Senior Member
Any Member of five years’ standing, of age 75 or over, and upon retirement from practicing agrology may apply to the Registrar for a senior membership. A Senior Member will be accorded full privileges of the Institute.
7. Distinguished Life Member
The Council may, by unanimous vote, elect as Distinguished Life Member, any member who has reached the age of sixty (60) or any Member of the Agricultural Profession who has rendered signal service to the profession.
8. Honorary Member
The Council may elect as an Honorary Member, a non-member who has rendered signal service to the agricultural industry in Nova Scotia. Honorary members have their names placed on the Register of the Institute but do not become members of the Agricultural Institute of Canada.
9. Guest Speakers
Nothing in these By‑Laws shall apply to guest speakers from outside the Province who are here on invitation to speak at agricultural conferences or meetings.
10. Acceptance to Membership
Each person received as a member into the Institute shall be presented with a Certificate of Membership and shall be required to sign before witnesses a Code of Ethics of the Institute (By‑Law XIII). The signed copy of the Code of Ethics shall be kept in the NSIA files.
11. Certificate of Membership
The Certificate of Membership shall be:
Certificate of Membership
The Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists by virtue of the authority vested in it by the Legislature of the Province of Nova Scotia awards this certificate to
________________________who has complied with all the requirements of the law regarding the practice of agrology and has been adjudged qualified to practice agrology.
In witness whereof we the undersigned officers of the Institute have hereunto signed our names and affixed the corporate seal of the Institute this _____ day of ________________ of two thousand and ______________ in the Province of Nova Scotia.
_______________________ President |
_______________________ Registrar |
12. Relinquishes Membership
When a member relinquishes his or her membership for any cause whatsoever, the certificate shall be returned to the Registrar or otherwise cancelled at the discretion of the Council.
13. Membership Identification
The Registrar shall each year, deliver by mail or otherwise, a membership identification to each member in good standing in the Institute.
14. Membership Identification Form
The Membership identification shall be in such form as is authorized from time to time by the Council.
Annual Fees
(A) Annual membership fees shall be set by an annual or special meeting of the Institute and shall be due and payable to the Registrar by all members on March 1st of each year. After March 1st , late payment fees of $50.00 will be charged. After April 1st , unpaid members will be removed from the membership list and shall be charged a reinstatement fee of $50.00 in addition to late payment fees and the annual membership dues.
(B) Professional Agrologist members shall pay a membership fee of $155.00 per annum.
(C) Articling Agrologists shall pay a membership fee of $75.00 in year of application. Subsequent fees shall be $155.00 per annum.
(D) Senior Members shall pay a membership fee of $50.00 per annum.
(E) Distinguished Life Members pay an annual membership fee of $50.00. Upon reaching the age of 75 years, Distinguished Life Members shall not be required to pay a membership fee.
(F) Honourary Members shall not be required to pay fees; their membership in the Institute shall be waived as part of this honour and distinction.
(G) For New Members, the first annual membership fee shall be remitted to the Registrar at the time the new member is accepted into full membership in the Institute and the fee for New Members joining on or after July 1, shall be one‑half of the annual fee.
(H) The annual membership fee for Retired Members shall be $50.00.
(I) Any person, resident in another province and who is a registered member in a professional agricultural organization with which the Institute has a reciprocal agreement, may temporarily practice agrology in Nova Scotia without being assessed an annual fee.
(J) Any person, resident in another province and who is a paid‑up registered member in a professional agricultural organization with which the Institute has a reciprocal agreement, may transfer his or her membership to the Institute without being assessed the annual fee for the current year.
(K) The Institute of Agrologists may establish a Corporate Membership Fee. Any Corporate Rate shall require the review and approval of Council.
(L) Associate Members shall pay an annual fee of $100.00 to the Institute.
(M) Student Members shall pay an annual fee of $20.00 to the Institute.
Revenue Other Than Fees
The Institute may, at the discretion of the Council, or at an annual meeting or special meeting called for the purpose, receive by gift or bequest, from any person or corporation, money, bonds, or real or personal property. Such gifts or bequest can be used for general or specific purposes of the Institute.
A. Annual
There shall be an annual meeting of the members of the Institute held at a time and place to be fixed by the Council.
B. Special
Special meetings of the Institute may be called by the President when deemed necessary or by a majority of the Council, or by the Secretary when requested by twenty members of the Institute.
C. Quorum
A quorum at the annual or a special meeting of the Institute shall consist of fifteen members.
D. Notice of Meeting
Notice of every annual or special meeting of the Institute shall be given by mailing a notice to each member at his or her last registered address, at least fourteen days before the day on which the meeting is to be held. The non-receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting. Notice of any special meeting shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called.
E. Order of Business
The Order of Business at all meetings of the Institute shall be as prepared by Council and approved by the meeting of the Institute. The following order of business shall be followed except when changed by motion of the meeting supported by a two-third vote of the members present:
- Reading of Notice called the meeting;
- Reading minutes of the last meeting;
- Business arising out of the minutes;
- Communications;
- Reports of officers and committees;
- Unfinished business;
- Resolutions;
- Election of Councillors; and
- New Business.
F. Secret Ballot
All questions, decided by vote, which may place any member or members in jeopardy shall be decided by secret ballot.
The affairs of the Institute shall be under the control of and shall be directed by a council as hereinafter set forth under this By‑Law.
The Council shall be composed of nine Councillors and the Past‑President except when the President holds office immediately following a term of three years as Councillor, in such cases the Council shall consist of nine Councillors, President and Past‑President. Any variation from these numbers due to extraordinary circumstances shall be provided for by interim appointment by the Council. Any special appointments required shall be ratified by motion at the next regular meeting of the Institute Membership.
Councillors shall hold office for a term of three years, with three councillors being elected each year.
Any registered member in good standing and resident in Nova Scotia may be elected as a member of the Council.
The Council shall perform all the general duties of a Board of Directors as outlined in Roberts Rules of Order and shall:
- Conduct the general business of the Institute.
- Have custody and control of the funds of the Institute for all normal operational expenditures and such other expenditures as are authorized from time to time by vote at a duly called meeting of the members.
- Consider and deal with applications for admissions after qualifications of the applicant have been reviewed by the Registrar.
- Appoint committees at its discretion to assist with the work of the Institute.
- Make recommendations to the members regarding fees and other matters relating to the welfare of the Institute.
- Supervise the formation of branches of the Institute and, in its discretion, make grants to such branches from the fees collected.
- Appoint the Registrar, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Fix salaries, fees and expenses of the officers and examiners.
- Report on the business carried out at each of its meetings to the next general meeting of the Institute.
There shall be at least two meetings of the Council held in each Institute year.
The President shall, when he or she deems it necessary, or at the request of five members of the Council, call a meeting of the Council.
At meetings of the Council, a quorum shall consist of at least five members.
If a Councillor absents himself or herself from two consecutive meetings of the Council without consent of the President, the seat may be declared vacant by the Council.
When a vacancy occurs in the Council for any cause whatsoever, the Council shall by majority vote appoint a member of the Institute in good standing to fill the vacancy until the next annual election.
Members of the Council and Officers may be paid by the Institute out‑of‑pocket expense when attending meetings of the Council or when otherwise traveling on the business of the Institute.
Members of the Council may be paid a per diem rate for meetings of the Council or such duties as are assigned them, the amount of said per diem rate to be determined by the Council.
For the purpose of electing officers the Council shall meet within thirty days following the annual meeting of the Institute.
The Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists holds its Councillors and Officers harmless in respect to any liability regarding the Institute.
The election of the Councillors and Officers shall be in the manner hereinafter outlined:
At least fifty (50) days before the annual meeting, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall notify each member in good standing of the Institute of the coming election and shall forward a nomination form to each member.
The Nominations and Election Committee shall receive nominations, from any registered member in good standing, for such councillors as are to be elected. The Nominations and Election Committee shall receive from each nominee acceptance of the nomination before the name is placed on the ballot. The Committee shall assure that there are nominees for all offices.
Thirty days before the annual meeting, the Nominations and Election Committee shall forward by mail to each member of the Institute, a ballot giving the list of nominees for election.
With each ballot shall be enclosed two envelopes, one marked only “ballot” and the other self‑addressed to the Secretary with space for the elector to sign his or her name.
To be valid, ballots must be received by the Secretary of the Institute ten days prior to the day set for the annual meeting.
When the Secretary of the Institute receives the envelope, he or she shall check the name with the list of registered members; if the member is in good standing, then he or she shall hold the envelope unopened until the Nominations and Election Committee has checked against the list.
The Secretary shall open same in the presence of the Committee on election day and place the unopened inner envelope in the ballot box.
On election day the Secretary of the Institute shall, in the presence of the Nominations and Election Committee, open the ballot box and count the ballots.
In the event of a tie ballot, the President shall break the tie, but otherwise shall not vote.
At the annual meeting, the chairperson of the Nomination and Election Committee shall report the results of the election and declare the successful candidates elected.
In the event of a member of the Council vacating his or her seat for any case whatsoever, the Council shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the vacancy until the next annual election.
The officers of the Institute shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, President‑Elect, Registrar, Secretary, Treasurer, auditors and such other officers as are necessary for the proper function of the Institute. They shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected or appointed as provided for in these By‑laws.
A. President
The President shall be the member who served the previous year as President‑Elect or any member in good standing who has serve two years on the Council.
The President shall hold office for one year during the official Institute year.
The duties of the President shall consist of those outlined in Roberts Rules of Order revised in 1943, and such other duties as may be designated by the Institute or the Council.
B. Immediate Past President
Immediate Past President shall be a member of the Council.
The Immediate Past President’s duties will be largely as an advisor to the President. In the absence of both the President and President‑Elect, the Immediate Past President will assume the duties of the President.
If the Immediate Past President cannot assume his or her office, he or she will be succeeded by the Preceding Past President.
C. President Elect
The President Elect shall be elected annually by and from the members of Council.
The duties of this Officer shall be to assist the President and to assume the duties of the President in the latter’s absence.
D. Registrar
The Registrar shall be appointed by the Council and hold office at the pleasure of the Council.
The Registrar shall keep a complete and up‑to‑date register of all members of the Institute.
The Registrar shall receive all applications for membership with supporting documents including graduation diploma and transcript of senior marks. These applications shall be referred by the Registrar to the Council.
Upon notification by Council of their decision, the Registrar shall notify the applicants and if the membership is approved, shall issue to the applicant a membership certificate and annual membership identification in such forms and subject to such regulations as may be required by the Act, By‑Laws and resolution of the Council. If the application is refused, the Registrar shall promptly so notify both the applicant and the employer of the applicant.
When the Registrar receives notice from an employer that he or she has taken on an employee to practice agrology, the Registrar shall, within ten days of such notice, forward an application form to such employee and advise him or her that membership of the Institute is essential if he or she is to practice agrology in the Province.
It shall be the duty of the Registrar to request any employer of people practicing agrology in Nova Scotia to advise the Registrar within thirty days of taking on a employee to practice agrology, of the name and address of such employee, and to further request such employer to notify the employee that it is his or her duty to make application to the Registrar for membership in the Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists.
When required, the Registrar shall make available to any Justice of the Peace, Magistrate or Judge, a complete list of names in the Register. This list shall be certified to be complete by the Registrar.
The Registrar may also hold the offices of Secretary and or Treasurer and when such is the case, perform the duties pertaining to those offices.
The Registrar shall collect all fees from applicants and members, issue receipts for the same in duplicate and make the duplicate available to the Treasurer and his or her records. If the Registrar also serves as Treasurer, then he or she shall file the duplicate receipts for the information of the council and the Auditors.
The Registrar shall have custody of the seal of the Institute and shall affix it to documents requiring same as stated in By‑law XI of these By‑laws.
The Registrar may be bonded in an amount to be decided annually by the Council.
The Registrar shall have and keep in custody all books, papers, records, etc., as directed by the Council and shall deliver them when authorized to do so by resolution of the Council, to such persons or persons as may be named in such resolutions.
E. Secretary
The Secretary shall be appointed by the Council and hold office at the pleasure of the Council. If this office is held by the Registrar then the following duties shall be discharged by the Registrar.
The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings of committees, the Council and the Institute.
The Secretary shall have charge of the Correspondence of the Institute with all persons other than member or prospective members.
The Secretary shall keep a file of all such correspondence of the Institute which shall be open to the Council or to any meeting of the Institute, when requested by resolution duly passed at such meeting.
F. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Council and hold office during the pleasure of the Council. The office of Treasurer may be held by the Registrar or the Secretary at the discretion of the Council in which case the following duties shall be discharged by the Secretary, Treasurer, or Registrar.
The Treasurer shall keep a complete record of monies received and disbursed and prepare a balance sheet which shall be duly audited prior to each annual meeting.
The Treasurer shall deposit, at least monthly, all monies received on behalf of the Institute to the credit of the Institute in such financial institution(s) as the Council shall from time to time designate. The Treasurer shall duplicate deposit slip which he or she shall turn over to the Secretary, if such an official has been appointed; otherwise, the receipts shall be filed for the information of the Council and Auditors.
The Treasurer shall, when directed by the Council, pay all accounts of the Institute by cheque, counter‑signed by the President or other duly appointed signing officer.
The Treasurer shall keep a permanent ledger showing all receipts and disbursements of the Institute monies. This must be open and available to the Auditors and members of the Council.
The Treasurer may be bonded in an amount to be decided annually by the Council.
G. Auditors
An Auditor, or Auditors, shall be appointed by the members of the Institute at the annual meeting or such special meeting as may be necessary. Vacancies in the position of auditor or auditors, if it occurs between the time of the annual meeting or special meeting of the Institute, shall be filled by the Council.
It shall be the duty of the Auditor or Auditors to make a full and careful examination of the books and accounts of the Institute at least once in every year and to ascertain and certify to the correctness of the balance sheet as required in Section 105 of the Nova Scotia Companies Act.
The Auditors shall have right of access at all times to the books, accounts and vouchers of the Institute, and shall be entitled to require from the Council and Officers such information and explanations as is necessary for the performance of the duties by them and on every balance sheet laid before the general meeting during their tenure of office, as required by Section 105 of the Nova Scotia Companies Act.
All members in good standing shall be entitled to receive a copy of the balance sheet of the Institute.
The name of any person, in default of fees or for other causes, shall be removed from the Register on order of the Council after one month’s notice. Notice shall be sent to the person by registered mail at his or her last registered address.
Any person whose name is removed from the Register shall be so notified by registered letter; and if he or she continues to practice Agrology in Nova Scotia, he or she shall be advised to appear before Council as laid down in By‑Law XII of the By‑Laws. Such person may also appeal to the Council for a hearing on the cause(s) of his or her removal from the Register and is entitled to such a hearing by Council within a reasonable time.
Any person whose name has been removed from the Register may, by order of the Council, and after fulfilling all requirements of the By‑Laws of the Institute and the Act, or by order of the Courts, be again placed on the Register. If membership termination was due to non‑payment of fees, the person shall be required to pay a service fee and all current dues owing before being reinstated into the Institute.
Any twenty members of the Institute, or, with the permission of the Council, a smaller number, but not less than ten, may with the approval of the Council form a Branch of the Institute.
Every member of the Institute shall be assigned by the Council to the Branch which is most convenient to the member.
Each Branch shall have an executive of four or more officers including a chairperson, vice‑chairperson, secretary‑treasurer and immediate past chairperson, each of whom shall hold office for one year or until his or her successor is elected.
When a member changes his or her residence, or when a new Branch is formed, a member may have his or her membership transferred from one Branch to another.
Each branch may, subject to the approval of the Council, make regulations respecting any matter concerning the members.
All Branches shall unite for the annual Institute meeting.
The corporate seal in a form designated by the Council and impressed on the margin hereof, shall be the seal of the Institute.
Where the seal of the Institute is required by law or by By‑Laws of the Institute to be affixed to a document of any nature, it shall be affixed and attested by the Registrar or member of the Council appointed by the Council for that purpose and by the President or other member of the Council appointed by the Council for such purposes.
Any charge preferred against a member by any person shall be supported by an affidavit taken by the person preferring the charge or the charge may be preferred by a resolution of the Council.
Any member may, by registered letter written by the Registrar at the command of the Council and mailed 14 days before the date set for the hearing, be called to appear before the Council to show cause why he or she should not be suspended or expelled from the Institute for violation of the Act, By‑Laws or Regulations of the Council.
At such hearing the President or a member of the Council appointed by him, may order that any and all witnesses appearing before said Council, or the properly delegated committee hereof, shall give his and their evidence under oath, and said oath shall be administered by a person so authorized under the Canada Evidence Act.
At all hearings, all evidence shall be recorded verbatim and all order of the Council shall be recorded in full.
Evidence for use outside of the Province in which the evidence is taken, should be obtained only after the witness has been sworn before a Notary Public for the Province in which the evidence is taken.
Any member who, without just cause, fails to appear before the Council or Committee, may be judged guilty at a fully qualified hearing.
The Council, after a qualified hearing, as outlined in Sections 1 to 6 inclusive, of this article may exonerate, warn, reprimand, suspend or expel the member.
The Financial or Institute year shall be the calendar year.
The dignity and well‑being of the profession of Agrology is dependent upon the integrity of the Agrologist. Agrologists shall therefore discharge their duties and obligations to the public, employers and clients with courtesy, fidelity, fairness and impartiality. They shall interest themselves in public welfare and be prepared to apply their special knowledge for the benefit of their profession and society as a whole.
Agrologists shall avail themselves of the means for keeping up‑to‑date on advances in scientific agriculture.
Agrologists shall co‑operate in extending the profession of Agrology by interchange of information and experience with other Agrologists and with Agrologists‑in‑Training, and by contributing to the work of educational and scientific organizations related to Agrology.
They shall endeavour to extend public knowledge of Agrology and shall publish in appropriate or popular media such reports and expository articles as will contribute to the further development and improvement of the profession. In so doing they will give due recognition to the work and findings of fellow scientists.
They will not permit the publication of reports or scientific articles, or parts of same, in a manner calculated to mislead.
They will not advertise in an unprofessional manner by making exaggerated or otherwise misleading statements regarding their qualifications, experience, or products.
They will practice Agrology only in fields in which they are qualified.
They will endeavour to provide for the professional development and advancement of any Agrologist, or Agrologist‑in‑ Training, who is in their employ or under their direction.
They will not attempt to injure falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects, or business of another Agrologist.
The By‑Laws of the Institute as at the date of the coming into force of the Agrologists’ Act shall continue in force until amended or repealed and new By‑Laws substituted therefore.
The By‑Laws may be amended in whole or in part by a majority vote at any annual meeting of the Institute or at any special meeting called for this purpose provided that written notice of amendments to the By‑Laws is forwarded to each member in advance of the special meeting or with Notice of the Annual meeting if prior written notice of the amendment is not forwarded to members.
No By‑Laws or amendments thereto shall be valid if contrary to law or to the provisions of the Agrologists’ Act.
Amendments to the By‑Laws shall be filed with the Department of the Provincial Secretary of the Province of Nova Scotia in accordance with Section 8, sub‑section 2 of the Agrologists’ Act.