The dignity and well‑being of the profession of Agrology is dependent upon the integrity of the Agrologist. Agrologists shall therefore discharge their duties and obligations to the public, employers and clients with courtesy, fidelity, fairness and impartiality. They shall interest themselves in public welfare and be prepared to apply their special knowledge for the benefit of their profession and society as a whole.
Agrologists shall avail themselves of the means for keeping up‑to‑date on advances in scientific agriculture.
Agrologists shall co‑operate in extending the profession of Agrology by interchange of information and experience with other Agrologists and with Agrologists‑in‑Training, and by contributing to the work of educational and scientific organizations related to Agrology.
They shall endeavour to extend public knowledge of Agrology and shall publish in appropriate or popular media such reports and expository articles as will contribute to the further development and improvement of the profession. In so doing they will give due recognition to the work and findings of fellow scientists.
They will not permit the publication of reports or scientific articles, or parts of same, in a manner calculated to mislead.
They will not advertise in an unprofessional manner by making exaggerated or otherwise misleading statements regarding their qualifications, experience, or products.
They will practice Agrology only in fields in which they are qualified.
They will endeavour to provide for the professional development and advancement of any Agrologist, or Agrologist‑in‑ Training, who is in their employ or under their direction.
They will not attempt to injure falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects, or business of another Agrologist