2017 Nominations and Elections Due March 15

The NSIA Nominations and Elections committee is requesting nominations from any registered member in good standing to sit as councillors on NSIA council.

For the upcoming year, Council will have four positions to fill, each a 3 year term.  The NSIA council meets roughly 9 times per year, as well members are asked to put their name forward to sit or chair one of the committees. The current NSIA council has been working hard over the last few years to improve our governance, policy and procedures as well as updating our legislation.

Please send completed nomination form to the chair of the Nominations and Election committee, Jacqueline Hoyt (Jacqueline.Hoyt@novascotia.ca) by March 15th @ 4 p.m.

If required, 30 days prior to the NSIA AGM a secure on-line election process will be circulated to the membership for voting.  The winners of the election will be announced at the AGM, on April 26th at the Holiday Inn, Truro.

If anyone has questions on the time commitments and obligations of being on council, please contact Jacqueline Hoyt (Jacqueline.Hoyt@novascotia.ca) or Laurie Eagles (leagles@nsagrologists.ca)

Jacqueline Hoyt, PAg, Past President of NSIA
Chairperson of Nominations and Elections Committee